"Pyrotechnic Proficiency"
Our team tackled the eLearning challenge for July 2024. Titled "Pyrotechnic Proficiency," we were tasked with creating an eLearning course for volunteers before they received on-site instruction by the Preskitt Fire Department. Volunteers in the imaginary village of Preskitt would set up firing stations, operate within the firing line, mix and match fireworks for the display, and handle any safety issues that arise.
There were six different learning objectives, and our team split up duties to tackle them all for a cohesive training session.
An Introduction to
With the explosion of AI technology into all fields, ATD Dallas created a study group to look at Artificial Intelligence, specifically how this ever-evolving technology will impact the field of Learning and Development and how practitioners can get ahead of it. The group also decided to explore some of the many services that are currently available to users.
I volunteered to present at our next meeting and how it would be helpful in the realm of Learning and Development. touts itself as the first Go-to-Market platform in AI and it seems quite interesting in their approach. However, I had several problems: 1) I could not get a representative from to return my messages so that I could get the input of a Subject Matter Expert beyond the sales pitches or my other research; and 2) touts a number of Fortune 500 companies as clients but I was unable to understand how they were using the service to assist their business activities beyond their Sales and Marketing departments.
I delivered a presentation that showed how worked using a limited trial membership and even included results from my engineered prompts, but I felt that I could not completely make a direct connection showing how would benefit Learning and Development versus other services.
WHAT I LEARNED: My conclusion was that AI is a useful tool, but it is important that which ever AI service a company engages in to improve their business, they need to assess the functionality of that tool to cover multiple aspects of their business.

Students frequently have difficulty with the concepts of Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition. Learners often confuse the processes as each one takes so long to occur in real time. Ice wedging in particular was difficult to understand for learners living in warmer climates. Sure, they understood that their soda can would freeze and expand if they tried to quickly chill their drink in the freezer and forgot about it. But how to make the connection to rocks?
Believe or not - I started with a quarter! Numismatics and the pictures of New Hampshire's "Old Man of the Mountain" sold the concept. I learned that it is important not to rush through this presentation in order to let the images tell the story.

"Guess that Atom!" Game
This is a very simple presentation used with 7th and 8th grade Science students to help them practice using the Periodic Table of Elements (PTE). Each learner was provided with their own paper copy of the PTE at the beginning of the Unit. Directions were given earlier to color-code their PTE based upon the types of element classifications. Students did not need to have their chart color-coded for this exercise - they simply had to have an understanding of how the Periodic Table of Elements worked and used clues in this exercise to find each element.
Though this presentation is very simple, I found this exercise to be useful to facilitate the learning of the concepts and help uncover where there might be misconceptions. I have added multiple slides to this in the past to help review what they know, but I have always tried to keep presentation no longer than 5-10 minutes.
This Skill Game is useful for both in person and online learning.
Earth's Plate Boundaries
A straight-ahead presentation about the how plate boundaries interact on Earth to create different features and events. This PowerPoint was improved when Covid arrived to help learners better understand the concepts and expanded upon to include maps.
Overall, the lesson works well. If I had to, I would involve different technology to enable students to better illustrate their answers in the document.


LAB: Balloon Model of the Universe
Presentation for Richardson Independent School District

Law of Conservation of Mass
Presentation for Richardson Independent School District